
Do you use ambient sounds (music, nature sounds, chimes) to help fall asleep or mask other sounds to stay asleep? Check out this pillow with embedded speaker. Reputed to have no lumps and not disturb nearby sleepers. [kudos Gizmodo]

Celebration of Nature Sounds

The October 13, 2007 broadcast of the NPR comedy news quiz Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me presented this factoid about the Celebration, Florida master-planned community developed by the Walt Disney Company: Peter Sagal: “… where among the many amenities Disney provides residents … B. Hidden speakers piping in bird songs, because the actual birds are … Read more

Theremin Student Design Projects

Theremins are occasionally the target of college student design projects. Reports often include thoughtful mathematical analysis and circuit design. We present a sampling of student design documents found on the web: The Theremin and Beyond, Mojica and Gutierrez, University of California Riverside, 2003. Theremin with Onboard Effects, Tarantino and Cinnamon, PHYCS 398 University of Illinois … Read more

Bumbershoot Parabolic Microphone

We pine for a parabolic microphone to make nature recordings, supporting one of our programs. Jim Lee describes how to to build such a mike from items found at a dollar store, including a novelty umbrella hat. One of my friends is obsessed with shopping at dollar stores. This project we have to try… [kudos … Read more