Last updated November, 2024.
We develop innovative software, specializing in audio and sound applications. Download any of our programs for a free trial evaluation period.
Windows Products
RecAll-PRO v1.9 Our advanced audiocapture software has even more features for Power Users. Beta Release v2.0beta9.
RecAll v2.9 A sound-activated tape recorder is now “virtual hardware” for your computer. Handy for dictation,voice notes, radio scanners, and more.
WinChime v4.0 Relax to the sounds of virtual wind chimes. WinChime uses the MIDI capabilities of your sound card to produce a soothing sound environment to aid relaxation and block out unwanted noises (great for home offices!). See also the Android app version!
MouSing v3.0 Here is the musical instrument you play by moving your mouse! MouSing is inspired by the sounds of the theremin. See also the Android app version!
VCRadio v2.2 A control program for PC FM radio tuners includes a built-in recorder/timer for time-shifting your favorite radio shows.
Android Apps
RecAll: sound-activated audio recording with time-codes, having most of the features you use in the desktop version.
Caption: Edit the “caption” property of JPEG photos to document the subject of an image.
Clavier: Play a synthesizer keyboard with full General MIDI instrumentation.
WinChime: Relax to a wind chime simulator, similar to our desktop version.
MouSing: Perform with a theremin simulator, similar to our desktop version, with advanced features such as a keyboard display and note display.
DAF Jammer: Experiment with Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) to interfere with speech.

Legacy Products
(Do not expect any updates on these any time soon.)
WaveSong v2.6 Turn your computer into a nature-sound generator to create relaxing background sounds and mask out unwanted noise. Sounds include crickets, waves, white noise, thunder, and more. WaveSong brings the outdoors to your desktop.
TVactive v1.4 Easy control of TV analog tuner devices with VCR recording function. Save video files in Windows Media format or AVI.
CamZilla v1.1 Capture screens and record full-motion screen video for documentation, manuals, and demos.
Sagebrush Suite Buy four programs for huge savings–less than the cost of 3 programs separately: WinChime, WaveSong, RecAll, and MouSing.
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